You will agree with me that our Heavenly Father is awesome and merciful. His love is new every morning and great is His faithfulness. I have thought about many adjectives to describe Him but it all ends up in "God is Love".
So in 2010, I start a journey of discovering more about our Loving Father who has kept us up till this day. There is no other place to know more about Him except in His word.
You are welcome to join me on this exciting journey which will be started on the blog "From The Heart of A Loving Father". It is actually a concise daily devotional. In addition to the word shared, there will be a one-year bible reading plan, suggestions for prayer for each day and Joyful 'Toons Inspirational Cartoons every other day. Posts will be up effective January 1st, and will be available by 1 AM West African Time each day.
2010 is surely going to be better than 2009. You will experience greater glory. Wishing you a fulfilling New Year.
To all my EROLyrics readers, followers and commenters, God bless you. You have truly been encouraging.
Lots of Love, Rita.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
In This 2009, We Will...(8)
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance [Psalms 65:11 NLT].
As the year approaches its end, I am sure you will take a moment to reflect on how the year had been. No matter how the journey had been, I am sure you can find something to be thankful for.
And even if there seems to be prayers that were not answered, you need not be weary. When King Jehoshaphat faced a formidable problem, how was it solved?
Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful." After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: "Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever" [2 Chron 20:20-21 NIV].
In this 2009, We Will Praise God
If you read further down the passage in 2 Chronicles 20, you will observe that they obtained victory "As they began to sing and praise". The cause of Judah's victory is given to their songs of praise. Praising God invites Him into your situation and chases the enemy away!
The most important key that opens new doors, closes old ones and advances us in our walk with God is Praise.
A few more reasons why we must praise God are:
• Praise turns our focus to God: When we don’t feel like praising, that is the exact time to jump up and praise, for it turns our focus away from our circumstance, situations and problems and turns them towards God. When we focus on our problems, we focus on ourselves and get stuck at that junction. When we focus on God, being the good God he is, he elevates us from whatever we are going through.
• Praise helps to keep us to be humble: When we praise we humble ourselves to seek refuge at God’s feet. When we praise, with reckless abandon, we don’t care how we look to others or how they perceive us. We are humble enough to know that God is bigger than any of our problems.
• God inhabits our praises: The dictionary defines inhabit as thus: to live or reside in or to dwell in, or to exist or to be situated within. From that definition it is not surprising the devil will want to keep us busy with many distractions. He wants to keep us from giving God praise. When we praise, God resides within our praises, and in his presence, there is no sorrow, heartache or problems.
May His praise continually be in your mouth in this 2009 and even as you enter a greater year, 2010. It is not too late for God to perform a miracle in your life in this 2009 – the year is not yet over.
Merry Xmas and a Fruitful New Year. May your year be crowned with the goodness of God.
Many thanks to RemiUK for permission to use her post “Continuous Praise”.
For further reading visit "The Praise Principle".
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Lacuna (Once Again)
Posted previously January 2008.
As seconds ticked
And minutes passed
The days turned to years
History was taking place
A glance from today
Shows something missing in history
A time when nothing happened
A time when all was still:
A lacuna
But I had to see
With my spiritual eyes
That the Lacuna
Was a period
When you showed again
That you alone
Are God
And that is why
When I think of time
When I think of days
I know assuredly
You are not bound by time.
The Inspiration
To the outsider, there were few explanations for why the fourth child of the Harrys came seven years after the third. Some guessed that boy was a mistake – the parents wanted 3 and he came when they did not expect. Some assumed it must have been strict birth control. The truth was that it was seven years when God showed Himself strong [2 Chronicles 16:9].
The Harrys had planned to have four children. Everything was going as planned. The children were coming after every two years. All of a sudden, from nowhere, tragedy hit them. Mrs. Harrys fell ill, suffering from an illness doctors could not cure. Mr Harry lost his very comfy job. Life seemed to be a nightmare.
It was seven years of hoping on God for healing. It was seven years of having faith for a better tomorrow. It was seven years of finding out who were friends and family. It was seven years of getting knowledge and understanding which no education can give. Knowledge and understanding that with God, nothing is impossible [Luke 1:37]. It was seven years of experiencing God for themselves.
When the Harrys look at their last child, the child of the seven-year lacuna, they are reminded of God’s faithfulness [Deuteronomy 7:9]. He truly watches over His word to perform it [Jeremiah 1:12]. He has said that He is the Lord that heals you [Exodus 15:26]. He said He has heard your prayers and seen your tears [2 Kings 20:5]. He said He has washed away your sins [Isaiah 1:18]. He said He is the one who teaches you to profit and leads you in the way you should go [Isaiah 48:17]. He has said that His thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways His ways [Isaiah 55:8].
Yes, there were days when they wondered if there was God. There were moments when their lips almost confessed that they were forsaken. There were days when they came close to doubting the efficacy of the word of God. Every sunrise was a reminder of the pain they were going through. Yet every crack of dawn brought a new day of hope, expecting everyday. They lived each day as it came and they saw the end of their trials.
There is nothing like experiencing God for yourself. Remain Blessed.
As seconds ticked
And minutes passed
The days turned to years
History was taking place
A glance from today
Shows something missing in history
A time when nothing happened
A time when all was still:
A lacuna
But I had to see
With my spiritual eyes
That the Lacuna
Was a period
When you showed again
That you alone
Are God
And that is why
When I think of time
When I think of days
I know assuredly
You are not bound by time.
The Inspiration
To the outsider, there were few explanations for why the fourth child of the Harrys came seven years after the third. Some guessed that boy was a mistake – the parents wanted 3 and he came when they did not expect. Some assumed it must have been strict birth control. The truth was that it was seven years when God showed Himself strong [2 Chronicles 16:9].
The Harrys had planned to have four children. Everything was going as planned. The children were coming after every two years. All of a sudden, from nowhere, tragedy hit them. Mrs. Harrys fell ill, suffering from an illness doctors could not cure. Mr Harry lost his very comfy job. Life seemed to be a nightmare.
It was seven years of hoping on God for healing. It was seven years of having faith for a better tomorrow. It was seven years of finding out who were friends and family. It was seven years of getting knowledge and understanding which no education can give. Knowledge and understanding that with God, nothing is impossible [Luke 1:37]. It was seven years of experiencing God for themselves.
This reminded me of the word “Lacuna” that is why I entitled this message so. Geologists call Lacuna a gap, a break in normal sequence, a period when nothing can be traced. In life, there appears to be Lacunae, periods when it seems nothing is happening, days are going by and your desires seemfurther away. And when you look back, it seems there is a break. For instance, you leave school and after 4 years you do not have a job. You might feel your life is meaningless those 4 years and then continues when you get the job. With God, there is no break in sequence, there is no gap. He is always there. And every moment matters to Him.
But you must not forget this one thing: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think [2 Peter 3:8-9]. Speaking of time, the scientists (geologists) have proven that plant life started before animal life, but separated by thousands (or millions) of years. They have also proven that man came to earth after all other life forms.
These confirm the sequence of the account of the creation [Genesis 1: 1-31]. Yet what they call thousands and millions of years is nothing but a day in the eyes of God.
When the Harrys look at their last child, the child of the seven-year lacuna, they are reminded of God’s faithfulness [Deuteronomy 7:9]. He truly watches over His word to perform it [Jeremiah 1:12]. He has said that He is the Lord that heals you [Exodus 15:26]. He said He has heard your prayers and seen your tears [2 Kings 20:5]. He said He has washed away your sins [Isaiah 1:18]. He said He is the one who teaches you to profit and leads you in the way you should go [Isaiah 48:17]. He has said that His thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways His ways [Isaiah 55:8].
Yes, there were days when they wondered if there was God. There were moments when their lips almost confessed that they were forsaken. There were days when they came close to doubting the efficacy of the word of God. Every sunrise was a reminder of the pain they were going through. Yet every crack of dawn brought a new day of hope, expecting everyday. They lived each day as it came and they saw the end of their trials.
Tomorrow you may look back at today and realize it is one of the days of a lacuna in your life. But more importantly, it is one day that the Lord has given you, to take you closer to your destiny, to take you closer to the realization of your desire. He is faithful that promised. A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about His promise, as some people think [2 Peter 3:8-9].
There is nothing like experiencing God for yourself. Remain Blessed.
Monday, November 30, 2009
In This 2009, We Will...(7)
I stumbled on a blog that has helped me learn more about the women in the bible. I loved participating in the discussions (it made me read my bible and study before talking). Little did I know that one day I would be a contributor. Thanks Freedom and Hadassah for such privilege.
If you want to learn more about women in the bible, and participate in the discussions, please feel free to visit The Women in the Bible Journey.
In This 2009, We Will...
During my final year in university, I assisted a couple of classmates with their final project. Some needed direction and supervision. Some needed help in proofreading and editing. Some needed encouragement. One met me 2 weeks before defense and said he did not even have a topic. In less than a week, his project was ready. He asked me how much he would pay me to help. I told him nothing (though at the back of my mind I was hoping he would give me something). After defense, I received a couple of notes, thank you cards and gifts. The one whom I helped write project under the tight deadline disappeared after defense. No thank you talkless of payment. That is life!
But one of them stood out amongst the rest. She gave me more than thank you cards and gifts. She gave me her friendship. We built a wonderful relationship which has turned 9 years this year. From my own point of view, she gave me her heart in gratitude for what I did.
Could it be that God wants more than our gifts, our service, and our outward confession that we love Him? Is there something more required of us?
Recall the purpose for this series is to learn what we should do as we expect to see/experience the physical manifestation of that which we desire.
Loving God with all your heart is the first and greatest commandment as stated, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” [Mtt 22:37-40, Mrk 12:28-34].
Loving God with your whole heart is the key to everything in life because your relationship with God affects everything and everyone in your life. You can’t love God and hate your neighbor. You can’t love God and continue living in sin.
We are commanded to love God with our whole heart. This is because it is possible to love God with only a part of your heart. Do you respond to God only when He does something good for you? Do you put other things before Him like relationship, work, or leisure? Have you forgotten your first love? [Rev. 2:4].
You might be going through some challenges in your life making you feel God does not love you anymore. But if you stop to listen, you will hear the voice of God reminding you that He loves you unconditionally, telling you that He wants you and hoping you could let Him in to fill the void in your heart. God is faithful and loving. Sometimes, He uses situations to get our attention yet He does not let the situation overwhelm us. Someone told me that for years she had been looking for a child. It was not until she was bedridden that she realized she had not opened her bible in 5 years. It was her time on the bed that she used to rebuild her relationship with God. Not long after, she had a baby.
Sometimes I think on Mary and the Alabaster Box [John 12:3]. It suddenly dawned on
me that when she poured out the contents of the alabaster jar on Jesus, she knew that the ointment was nothing compared to the worth of Jesus Christ. It was a sacrifice that came from the heart. That is when an offering or a sacrifice has meaning. God sees our hearts and He knows our motives. It is what is in our hearts that matter to Him.
It is not too late to say “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting…” [Psalms 139:23-24].
Love God with all your heart. He already loves You. Tell me, has He not been good to you in this 2009? Do not forget the Lord your God [Deut 8:10-11].
For Further Reading
1. How to Love God with all your heart
2. The Greatest Commandment
3. Love God With All Your Heart
For other posts in this series please visit the links below:
1. In This 2009, We Will Pray for Others
2. In This 2009, We Will Worship The Lord
3. In This 2009, We Will Know God for Ourselves
4. In This 2009, We Will Guard Our Hearts
5. In This 2009, We Will Sow Seeds
6. In This 2009, We Will Speak Right
Have a blessed week and new month ahead.
If you want to learn more about women in the bible, and participate in the discussions, please feel free to visit The Women in the Bible Journey.
In This 2009, We Will...
During my final year in university, I assisted a couple of classmates with their final project. Some needed direction and supervision. Some needed help in proofreading and editing. Some needed encouragement. One met me 2 weeks before defense and said he did not even have a topic. In less than a week, his project was ready. He asked me how much he would pay me to help. I told him nothing (though at the back of my mind I was hoping he would give me something). After defense, I received a couple of notes, thank you cards and gifts. The one whom I helped write project under the tight deadline disappeared after defense. No thank you talkless of payment. That is life!
But one of them stood out amongst the rest. She gave me more than thank you cards and gifts. She gave me her friendship. We built a wonderful relationship which has turned 9 years this year. From my own point of view, she gave me her heart in gratitude for what I did.
Could it be that God wants more than our gifts, our service, and our outward confession that we love Him? Is there something more required of us?
In this 2009, We Will Love God With All Our Heart
Recall the purpose for this series is to learn what we should do as we expect to see/experience the physical manifestation of that which we desire.
Loving God with all your heart is the first and greatest commandment as stated, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” [Mtt 22:37-40, Mrk 12:28-34].
Loving God with your whole heart is the key to everything in life because your relationship with God affects everything and everyone in your life. You can’t love God and hate your neighbor. You can’t love God and continue living in sin.
We are commanded to love God with our whole heart. This is because it is possible to love God with only a part of your heart. Do you respond to God only when He does something good for you? Do you put other things before Him like relationship, work, or leisure? Have you forgotten your first love? [Rev. 2:4].
You might be going through some challenges in your life making you feel God does not love you anymore. But if you stop to listen, you will hear the voice of God reminding you that He loves you unconditionally, telling you that He wants you and hoping you could let Him in to fill the void in your heart. God is faithful and loving. Sometimes, He uses situations to get our attention yet He does not let the situation overwhelm us. Someone told me that for years she had been looking for a child. It was not until she was bedridden that she realized she had not opened her bible in 5 years. It was her time on the bed that she used to rebuild her relationship with God. Not long after, she had a baby.
Sometimes I think on Mary and the Alabaster Box [John 12:3]. It suddenly dawned on

It is not too late to say “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting…” [Psalms 139:23-24].
Love God with all your heart. He already loves You. Tell me, has He not been good to you in this 2009? Do not forget the Lord your God [Deut 8:10-11].
For Further Reading
1. How to Love God with all your heart
2. The Greatest Commandment
3. Love God With All Your Heart
For other posts in this series please visit the links below:
1. In This 2009, We Will Pray for Others
2. In This 2009, We Will Worship The Lord
3. In This 2009, We Will Know God for Ourselves
4. In This 2009, We Will Guard Our Hearts
5. In This 2009, We Will Sow Seeds
6. In This 2009, We Will Speak Right
Have a blessed week and new month ahead.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Infant Steps: How do I help a Backsliding Friend?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Hope your week has started out beautifully. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series has to do with backsliding but in this case, not the person asking the question. What will you do if someone you love is backsliding? How can you help? What if you try and all your efforts seem futile? Have you ever been in such a situation? Please read Patience’s question below and help her out with your spirit-led suggestions. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I love my best friend. What brought us together was her leading me to Christ. This happened when we were in secondary school. She has been amazing. She followed up on me. She taught me most of the principles I know in walking with God. We have been
friends all through secondary school and now in the University. I felt we were inseparable.
Recently, my friend started having problems at home, which I would not like to disclose. It was quite traumatic for her. Initially, she was praying and believing God for a favorable solution to the situation. What she expected did not happen. I noticed that after a while, she was not interested in going to fellowship or church service. She always claimed that studies were making her too busy. We used to make out time each week to pray together but all of a sudden, she could not meet up with the appointments. I haven’t seen my friend doing anything out of the ordinary but I feel strongly that she is backsliding. I have been praying for her.
I had a talk with her and she told me I was misunderstanding her, that nothing has changed in her relationship with God.
Am I wrong in what I suspect? Is there anything I can do for my friend to help reignite the fire she had for God? If she eventually walks away from God and I cannot help her, will I be at fault?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Hope your week has started out beautifully. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series has to do with backsliding but in this case, not the person asking the question. What will you do if someone you love is backsliding? How can you help? What if you try and all your efforts seem futile? Have you ever been in such a situation? Please read Patience’s question below and help her out with your spirit-led suggestions. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I love my best friend. What brought us together was her leading me to Christ. This happened when we were in secondary school. She has been amazing. She followed up on me. She taught me most of the principles I know in walking with God. We have been

Recently, my friend started having problems at home, which I would not like to disclose. It was quite traumatic for her. Initially, she was praying and believing God for a favorable solution to the situation. What she expected did not happen. I noticed that after a while, she was not interested in going to fellowship or church service. She always claimed that studies were making her too busy. We used to make out time each week to pray together but all of a sudden, she could not meet up with the appointments. I haven’t seen my friend doing anything out of the ordinary but I feel strongly that she is backsliding. I have been praying for her.
I had a talk with her and she told me I was misunderstanding her, that nothing has changed in her relationship with God.
Am I wrong in what I suspect? Is there anything I can do for my friend to help reignite the fire she had for God? If she eventually walks away from God and I cannot help her, will I be at fault?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ode To My Father
If I was the most moral of ladies
I would have said that was why You blessed me with a wonderful husband;
If I had not missed work purposely
I would have said that was why You gave me the promotion;
If I had not partied the night before exams
I would have said that is why You blessed me with good grades;
If I had woken up early
I would have said that is why You kept a parking space just for me;
If I had passed my driving test
I would have said that is why You preserved me and my car in Lagos road;
If I had a white-colored past
I would have said that is why You allow people listen to me;
If I have never missed a day of prayer and bible study
I would have said that is why You surround me with favour;
I can go on and on about ways that I have fallen short
Even of my own expectations
Yet, never for one day did You turn your back on me
You have been there – faithful, loving and true;
It suddenly hit me, so profound yet true
That You have loved me even before I had thought of loving You
And it is not by my works, my morality, what I did or did not do
But simply You love me and Your Grace has been there for me;
I thought I was the only one You loved that much
But when I looked around me, I realized You are consistent
Your love is there for everyone
No wonder you make the sun and moon shine on the righteous and the unrighteous;
Thank you for Your unconditional love
I have tried to reciprocate, but can anything compare to Your Love?
All I can try to do is obey You
Which has not been easy in this my walk with You;
I just want to say Thank You
For Your Love
That extends to each and every one of us
And is always there for us inspite of ourselves.
I tried to count my blessings…and I could not keep count. They were just too many. Thank You, My Loving Father.
These are the songs in my heart
I Pour My Love On You
Your Daughter Whom You Love,
I would have said that was why You blessed me with a wonderful husband;
If I had not missed work purposely
I would have said that was why You gave me the promotion;
If I had not partied the night before exams
I would have said that is why You blessed me with good grades;
If I had woken up early
I would have said that is why You kept a parking space just for me;
If I had passed my driving test
I would have said that is why You preserved me and my car in Lagos road;
If I had a white-colored past
I would have said that is why You allow people listen to me;
If I have never missed a day of prayer and bible study
I would have said that is why You surround me with favour;

Even of my own expectations
Yet, never for one day did You turn your back on me
You have been there – faithful, loving and true;
It suddenly hit me, so profound yet true
That You have loved me even before I had thought of loving You
And it is not by my works, my morality, what I did or did not do
But simply You love me and Your Grace has been there for me;
I thought I was the only one You loved that much
But when I looked around me, I realized You are consistent
Your love is there for everyone
No wonder you make the sun and moon shine on the righteous and the unrighteous;
Thank you for Your unconditional love
I have tried to reciprocate, but can anything compare to Your Love?
All I can try to do is obey You
Which has not been easy in this my walk with You;
I just want to say Thank You
For Your Love
That extends to each and every one of us
And is always there for us inspite of ourselves.
I tried to count my blessings…and I could not keep count. They were just too many. Thank You, My Loving Father.
These are the songs in my heart
I Pour My Love On You

Your Daughter Whom You Love,
Friday, November 13, 2009
I Am:
I Am your exceedingly great reward
Who will never leave you nor forsake you
Who opens doors which no one can close
I Am;
I Am your creator
Who watched you and knit you in your mother's womb
I neither sleep nor slumber
Who says I will not remember you;
I Am the Lord above all things
My ways are not your ways
I Am not a man that I should lie
Have I spoken and it did not come to pass?
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I daily load you with blessings
I give beauty for ashes
I have my way in the whirlwind and in the storm;
I will always be with you
Whether you can feel my presence or not
I Am the Lord your God
With me nothing is impossible;
I Am so mindful of you
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands
Your walls are continually before me
Nothing can separate you from this love I have for you
You are the apple of my eyes;
I Am,
I Am That I Am
I Am for you
I Am.
I Am your exceedingly great reward
Who will never leave you nor forsake you
Who opens doors which no one can close
I Am;
I Am your creator
Who watched you and knit you in your mother's womb
I neither sleep nor slumber
Who says I will not remember you;
I Am the Lord above all things
My ways are not your ways
I Am not a man that I should lie
Have I spoken and it did not come to pass?
I have loved you with an everlasting love

I daily load you with blessings
I give beauty for ashes
I have my way in the whirlwind and in the storm;
I will always be with you
Whether you can feel my presence or not
I Am the Lord your God
With me nothing is impossible;
I Am so mindful of you
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands
Your walls are continually before me
Nothing can separate you from this love I have for you
You are the apple of my eyes;
I Am,
I Am That I Am
I Am for you
I Am.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Infant Steps: Do Married Couples Have Less Temptations to Deal With?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Even as this week unfolds, covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Have you ever wondered if single people face more temptations than married people (or vice versa)? Ogonna shares her struggle and thoughts concerning this. Please read her question below and share your thoughts on this. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am a born-again Christian though I feel ashamed to say so. One of the areas I struggle with is premarital sex. I know that it is not good but I found out that I
have fallen many times. I am still trying to get to that point where I can be in a relationship free of this temptation.
Somewhere at the back of my mind, I feel that if I was married, I would not be feeling guilty after I have been with my man. I actually feel that if I was married, I would no longer have any sin/temptations that I could not easily overcome. Which brings me to my question:
Do married people have less struggles and temptations to deal with compared to the singles? This may sound like a stupid question but I really want to know. If a married person does not have to deal with fornication, that should mean they can easily overcome thing like lying and stealing. Right?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Even as this week unfolds, covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Have you ever wondered if single people face more temptations than married people (or vice versa)? Ogonna shares her struggle and thoughts concerning this. Please read her question below and share your thoughts on this. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am a born-again Christian though I feel ashamed to say so. One of the areas I struggle with is premarital sex. I know that it is not good but I found out that I

Somewhere at the back of my mind, I feel that if I was married, I would not be feeling guilty after I have been with my man. I actually feel that if I was married, I would no longer have any sin/temptations that I could not easily overcome. Which brings me to my question:
Do married people have less struggles and temptations to deal with compared to the singles? This may sound like a stupid question but I really want to know. If a married person does not have to deal with fornication, that should mean they can easily overcome thing like lying and stealing. Right?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Infant Steps: Fighting Temptations
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Hope your week has started out greatly. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is from me to you. It is about fighting temptations. You can read one of my experiences with temptation here and my analogy of temptation with the forbidden fruit.
Temptations can come to challenge your strength as a child of God, challenge your beliefs and integrity, or to make you feel you are not good enough.
My question is, "Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the temptation seemed to overwhelm you yet you were able to overcome? If yes, what did you do? What made you not to give in?" Your experience does not have to be as "you know" as mine...:-)
Thank you,
You might also like Overcoming Addiction on the Infant Steps Series...
If there be any unconfessed sin in your heart, do not hesitate to confess to God and probably the person(s) that needs to know.
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Hope your week has started out greatly. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is from me to you. It is about fighting temptations. You can read one of my experiences with temptation here and my analogy of temptation with the forbidden fruit.
Temptations can come to challenge your strength as a child of God, challenge your beliefs and integrity, or to make you feel you are not good enough.
My question is, "Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the temptation seemed to overwhelm you yet you were able to overcome? If yes, what did you do? What made you not to give in?" Your experience does not have to be as "you know" as mine...:-)
Thank you,
You might also like Overcoming Addiction on the Infant Steps Series...
If there be any unconfessed sin in your heart, do not hesitate to confess to God and probably the person(s) that needs to know.
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Friday, October 30, 2009
In This 2009, We Will...(6)
For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, `Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea,' and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he say shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he say [Mark 11:23].

So Mercy told me, “I will never marry in this life. The only good men I know are my brother and my father. The rest are no good.” This she kept on saying.
We were young then. As we grew older, our priorities became different. We no longer wanted to read Enid Blyton books. The M&Bs had aroused something in us. We wanted to experience those things. We began to see that afterall, men can be good (maybe after a fight or two). We decided to try relationships. Mercy told me that she was in the relationship to get all she could from the man, such as access to company data for projects, companionship on weekends and let it not be said that she is a lesbian. She insisted that she will never get married.
Few years later, our classmates started getting married one after the other. Despite her beauty, it became more difficult for Mercy to stay in relationships. All led to nowhere, confirming her beliefs about men. When I saw her 2 years ago, it was still the same story.
I had been on my own journey, but there was something I learnt – we create our world with our words. I learnt to stop confessing negative words. I had learnt that I will have whatever I say [Mark 11:23]. I also learnt that we can ask God to forgive us for every idle word we have said, and by starting afresh we can recreate our world. So I told Mercy it was time for her to take back those words she confessed when she was younger, and start making positive confessions. In a few months time, she will be getting married.
In this 2009, We Will Speak Right.
We have been made in the image of God [Gen 1:27]. We know that God created the world by speaking, by calling things to be. His words began with, “Let there be…” [Genesis 1:3].
I would liken the impact of the words we speak to ripples. When you drop a stone in water, you see the way the ripples (waves) propagate outward affecting everything around it until a point where the energy fades away. That is how the words we speak are. They affect what is happening around us. The more we speak, the more we change (whether positively or negatively) the things around us.
What are the things that cause us not to speak right?
1. Ignorance: - We do not know the effect our words have or the kind of words we should be saying. In addition to the words we say, speaking the word of God also causes a manifestation of power because the word of God is backed up by the power of God [Hebrews 4:12].
2. Slangs and words we pick from our environment: -This guy is ‘bad’ may come out as a slang to mean something positive but it is indeed saying the guy is bad. Words like ‘this task is killing me’ may seem like a figure of speech but it is saying the task should kill you.
3. Circumstances: -when you are faced with a situation that cripples your faith and hope, you find yourself speaking what it is saying to you. So you have to speak back to the situation. Circumstances and situations are facts. The word of God is the truth.
4. Fears: - Job said “the thing I feared most has come upon me”. When you have fears, you begin to meditate on them, and worry about them, and what you have on the inside of you finds its way out through the words you say (even in your prayers). Such fears begin to manifest. You must replace the spirit of fear with faith, and by speaking the word of God.
Beloved, there is nothing you cannot have in this life. In this 2009, you will speak right. It is not too late to ask God to forgive you for negative words you may have confessed out of ignorance. This is a time to speak positively and call what you desire into realization. You may seem like a mad person when you are calling things that be not as though they were, but the truth is you will be acting as a true child of God [Romans 4:17]. Don’t use words like “if” but rather use words like “when” as you talk about your testimony to come. Your story will be different because we have a God who is indeed a story-changer.
Have a blessed weekend ahead.
For other posts in this series please visit the links below:
1. In This 2009, We Will Pray for Others
2. In This 2009, We Will Worship The Lord
3. In This 2009, We Will Know God for Ourselves
4. In This 2009, We Will Guard Our Hearts
5. In This 2009, We Will Sow Seeds
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Infant Steps: Re: When is One a Christian?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Welcome to a blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is an interesting follow up on the question “When is one a Christian?” I remember that after I gave my life to Christ, I felt “that is it” and I continued life as usual. Was I a Christian then? I don’t know. Did you feel that way? Please read akaBagucci’s question below and share your views. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
Having prayed the 'sinner's prayer' how much of the next steps are dependent on the individual and how much on God?
I would think that if there really was a change, there should be new desires - to get in the word, fellowship and pray. Does that mean when such does not become the default desires, the person never became a Christian?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Welcome to a blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is an interesting follow up on the question “When is one a Christian?” I remember that after I gave my life to Christ, I felt “that is it” and I continued life as usual. Was I a Christian then? I don’t know. Did you feel that way? Please read akaBagucci’s question below and share your views. Thank you.
Dear Rita,

I would think that if there really was a change, there should be new desires - to get in the word, fellowship and pray. Does that mean when such does not become the default desires, the person never became a Christian?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
You Are Blessed
Wonderful Heavenly Father, Awesome God, The Author and Finisher, The Perfecter and Completer, You who does things beyond our expectation, even at your own perfect timing, words are not enough to describe you. As we draw closer to the end of this year, I am convinced, oh Lord, that 3 months is not too long for you to turn things around in the life of the person reading this. You do miracles every day and You can do miracles in this person’s life. Oh my Jehovah Suddenly, how I love and adore You. This 2009 is not over yet. Thank you that this year will be filled with testimonies for the person reading this. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Beloved, today we will not be having a question on the Infant Step Series, questions will continue next week. I want to share with you something about being blessed.
A challenge or trial in life does not necessarily mean you are out of the will of God. If you find yourself in such a situation, you may ask yourself “what have I done to deserve this? Has God stopped loving me?” The deceiver does not help matters because he will place before you several reasons why you may be going through the challenging phase. The greatest lie of them is when you are made to believe that there could be a curse, based on what you did, or a curse from someone related to you.
Beloved, I want you to understand that as a child of God, operating under the covenant [Genesis 15:1-18], you cannot be cursed because Whom God has Blessed is Blessed and no one can curse such a one [Numbers 22-24].
Remember the covenant between God and Abraham. As a spiritual descendant of Abraham, you are part of this covenant because when God started out with Abraham, He said, “…I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you…” [Genesis 12:2-3]. You are blessed automatically and hence you cannot be cursed.
Now when people take an oath, they call on someone greater than themselves to hold them to it. And without any question that oath is binding. God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that He would never change His mind. So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, you who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as you hold to the hope that lies before you. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for your soul. It leads you through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for you. He has become your eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. [Hebrews 6:16-20 paraphrased].
So as I wish you a blessed week ahead, be conscious of the fact that you are indeed blessed, you cannot be cursed, and you can hope in God for it is impossible for God to lie. As a child of God, victory is assured for you. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Remain blessed.
Do you desire the blessing and assurance that you cannot be cursed, yet you are not born-again? It is not too late to give your life to Christ. Simply confess your sins to God, ask for forgiveness, acknowledge His son Jesus Christ that he died for your sins, and he is alive. Invite Jesus to become your Lord and Saviour, and for the Holy Spirit to help you obey God. Look for a church founded on the word of God to attend, and continue to grow in the word. The Blessing will be upon you and victory over every situation will be guaranteed.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Infant Steps: Is What Everyone Doing Always Right?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Welcome to a blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series has to do with following the crowd. Sometimes we do things everyone is doing but is it always right? Please read Nelson’s question below and share your views. I am not quite sure how to categorize this question. Integrity? Tax evasion? Honesty? Please suggest something. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am a born-again Christian and have been for over seven years. I thank God for my job. One of the benefits of my job is that we are paid furniture allowances towards the end of the year. The options for collecting the allowance are
1) It is paid with salary and hence taxed heavily (to lose like 18-22% of it) or
2) A false receipt is brought stating that I have already bought my furniture and I need a refund. In the process of refund, the money does not have to go through my salary. This money we are talking about here is huge and much more than how much I would spend on furniture.
Recently, in my office, some folks were talking about whether option 2 is right or wrong. Someone said, “As long as Nelson does it, it is not wrong because he is a born-again Christian?”
Is option 2 wrong? This is what everyone does because our counterparts in other organizations are paid this allowance but the allowance is not taxed. If your answer is yes, please explain why.
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Welcome to a blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series has to do with following the crowd. Sometimes we do things everyone is doing but is it always right? Please read Nelson’s question below and share your views. I am not quite sure how to categorize this question. Integrity? Tax evasion? Honesty? Please suggest something. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am a born-again Christian and have been for over seven years. I thank God for my job. One of the benefits of my job is that we are paid furniture allowances towards the end of the year. The options for collecting the allowance are

2) A false receipt is brought stating that I have already bought my furniture and I need a refund. In the process of refund, the money does not have to go through my salary. This money we are talking about here is huge and much more than how much I would spend on furniture.
Recently, in my office, some folks were talking about whether option 2 is right or wrong. Someone said, “As long as Nelson does it, it is not wrong because he is a born-again Christian?”
Is option 2 wrong? This is what everyone does because our counterparts in other organizations are paid this allowance but the allowance is not taxed. If your answer is yes, please explain why.
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Random Post
I had heard so many good things about her. Yet I doubted. I could not believe what they said. I wanted to see for myself. So I decided to go and meet her.
From her I learnt that:
• You can find strength in shortcomings
• There is some amount of pride and arrogance everyone needs
• Out of nothing, you can create something – it only requires vision, diligence and integrity
• That excellence and quality can be a standard
• That no matter what anyone says or does, you can be the best
• That when things begin to work out for you, even those who mocked you will respect you
• We are given sufficient to make us who we should be, it is how we make use of what we have that counts, not how much we have
• Once people know you are a good leader, you will have no problem being followed.
Okay okay, I am rambling. Do you want to know who she is? See the pictures below…Click on them to see larger view.

I had a vacation to Dubai. It was fun, exposing and enlightening. Best I have ever had and the best place I have visited so far (because I like the temperature). I thoroughly enjoyed myself. “She” is Dubai.
So I said,“It was a true report that I heard in mine own land. Howbeit I believed not the words until I came, and mine eyes have seen it: and behold, the half was not told me…” [Paraphrase of 1 Kings 10: 6-10]. And I spent all the money I carried with me there – it finished in their mall.
To explain the lines above:
1. You can find strength in shortcomings – In Dubai there is a lot of sand. Instead of complaining that their land is desert, they turned an area into a recreation /tourist site – The Desert Safari. Amazing! My heart was in my mouth all through the ride on the sands.
2. There is some amount of pride and arrogance everyone needs – it was as if they believed money can buy anything. They have an artificial ice rink in that hot (38degC)land? They have something like Disney Land? They have a Zoo? By the time I saw that they are capable of almost anything, I was looking forward to seeing a polar bear in their zoo.
3. Out of nothing, you can create something – it only requires vision, diligence and integrity. The place was once a desert. The rest is self explanatory.
4. That excellence and quality can be a standard – OMG! The quality of their buildings and structures left me dumbfounded. The underground tunnel…the palm jumeria…If you see the exceptional treatment they give visitors, you would wonder if they are constantly on training. Then if you go to their fast food joint, you will see efficiency in service. 1 person attends to 1 customer in 3 minutes. Their bus stops have AC!!! Their metro is a tourist attraction. Excellence exudes from everything they do. They are very organized. I won’t talk about their first-rate schools or hospitals in this post.
5. That no matter what anyone says or does, you can be the best –oh yes, they have the biggest, tallest, most innovative of things there…they aim to be the best at all times.
6. That when things begin to work out for you, even those who mocked you will respect you – like me for example.
7. We are given sufficient to make us who we should be, it is how we make use of what we have that counts, not how much we have - Reminds me of the parables of the talents. The more you use what is given to you, the more you get. Everyone wants to invest there.
8. Once people know you are a good leader, you will have no problem being followed – and ultimately, you have more people doing good.
Ok, I am not trying to market the place to you, but it is worth visiting for a vacation (among other things, my female counterparts understand). As I landed Nigeria, it was back to hold up and electricity issues. That is why I started listening to a friend who had been talking about “Light Up Nigeria”. Please feel free to join the group as Nigeria is transformed to a better place in that area.
It is not too late to see a change in Nigeria. Let us all take out time to pray that the kingdom of God will be established in Nigeria. Let us continually pray for our leaders, and those in authority. And let us not forget that tiny drops of water make the ocean - if individually we do what is right and good for Nigeria, collectively we make Nigeria a great place.
And if you hear that there is position for Minister of Tourism…nominate me :-) I have great plans for Nigeria, ever since I visited Dubai.
Have a blessed weekend ahead.
From her I learnt that:
• You can find strength in shortcomings
• There is some amount of pride and arrogance everyone needs
• Out of nothing, you can create something – it only requires vision, diligence and integrity
• That excellence and quality can be a standard
• That no matter what anyone says or does, you can be the best
• That when things begin to work out for you, even those who mocked you will respect you
• We are given sufficient to make us who we should be, it is how we make use of what we have that counts, not how much we have
• Once people know you are a good leader, you will have no problem being followed.
Okay okay, I am rambling. Do you want to know who she is? See the pictures below…Click on them to see larger view.

I had a vacation to Dubai. It was fun, exposing and enlightening. Best I have ever had and the best place I have visited so far (because I like the temperature). I thoroughly enjoyed myself. “She” is Dubai.
So I said,“It was a true report that I heard in mine own land. Howbeit I believed not the words until I came, and mine eyes have seen it: and behold, the half was not told me…” [Paraphrase of 1 Kings 10: 6-10]. And I spent all the money I carried with me there – it finished in their mall.
To explain the lines above:
1. You can find strength in shortcomings – In Dubai there is a lot of sand. Instead of complaining that their land is desert, they turned an area into a recreation /tourist site – The Desert Safari. Amazing! My heart was in my mouth all through the ride on the sands.
2. There is some amount of pride and arrogance everyone needs – it was as if they believed money can buy anything. They have an artificial ice rink in that hot (38degC)land? They have something like Disney Land? They have a Zoo? By the time I saw that they are capable of almost anything, I was looking forward to seeing a polar bear in their zoo.
3. Out of nothing, you can create something – it only requires vision, diligence and integrity. The place was once a desert. The rest is self explanatory.
4. That excellence and quality can be a standard – OMG! The quality of their buildings and structures left me dumbfounded. The underground tunnel…the palm jumeria…If you see the exceptional treatment they give visitors, you would wonder if they are constantly on training. Then if you go to their fast food joint, you will see efficiency in service. 1 person attends to 1 customer in 3 minutes. Their bus stops have AC!!! Their metro is a tourist attraction. Excellence exudes from everything they do. They are very organized. I won’t talk about their first-rate schools or hospitals in this post.
5. That no matter what anyone says or does, you can be the best –oh yes, they have the biggest, tallest, most innovative of things there…they aim to be the best at all times.
6. That when things begin to work out for you, even those who mocked you will respect you – like me for example.
7. We are given sufficient to make us who we should be, it is how we make use of what we have that counts, not how much we have - Reminds me of the parables of the talents. The more you use what is given to you, the more you get. Everyone wants to invest there.
8. Once people know you are a good leader, you will have no problem being followed – and ultimately, you have more people doing good.
Ok, I am not trying to market the place to you, but it is worth visiting for a vacation (among other things, my female counterparts understand). As I landed Nigeria, it was back to hold up and electricity issues. That is why I started listening to a friend who had been talking about “Light Up Nigeria”. Please feel free to join the group as Nigeria is transformed to a better place in that area.
It is not too late to see a change in Nigeria. Let us all take out time to pray that the kingdom of God will be established in Nigeria. Let us continually pray for our leaders, and those in authority. And let us not forget that tiny drops of water make the ocean - if individually we do what is right and good for Nigeria, collectively we make Nigeria a great place.
And if you hear that there is position for Minister of Tourism…nominate me :-) I have great plans for Nigeria, ever since I visited Dubai.
Have a blessed weekend ahead.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Infant Steps: Being Unequally Yoked
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Hope your week has started out great. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is centered around the passage on being unequally yoked “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness…” [2 Corinthians 6:14]. As a Christian, will you date someone who is not a Christian or eventually marry the person? Please read Jeremy's question below and provide him encouraging yet truthful answers. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I have known this lady all my life. We grew up together in the same compound. She is kind, loving and the only woman that excites me. I have fought enough fights with her and we understand ourselves. She is my best friend. We were separated for a few years when she went abroad for her university education. During that time, I did not date anyone else. I also became a born again Christian and have been for over 3 years.
After her education, she returned to Nigeria and the sparks continued. When I mentioned her to my parents, they made a comment about since she is not a Christian, not even a born-again Christian, that I should consider a sister. Not long after my parents said it, I overheard some people talking about being unequally yoked.
Tell me, is it wrong that I am in love with someone who is not a Christian? I know she is a good girl but she did not grow up in a Christian home and I do not want to pressurize her into accepting my God. I believe that with time, as we are man and wife, I will be able to rub off on her and she could give her life to Christ. What really is the implication of being unequally yoked in marriage?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Hope your week has started out great. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is centered around the passage on being unequally yoked “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness…” [2 Corinthians 6:14]. As a Christian, will you date someone who is not a Christian or eventually marry the person? Please read Jeremy's question below and provide him encouraging yet truthful answers. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I have known this lady all my life. We grew up together in the same compound. She is kind, loving and the only woman that excites me. I have fought enough fights with her and we understand ourselves. She is my best friend. We were separated for a few years when she went abroad for her university education. During that time, I did not date anyone else. I also became a born again Christian and have been for over 3 years.

Tell me, is it wrong that I am in love with someone who is not a Christian? I know she is a good girl but she did not grow up in a Christian home and I do not want to pressurize her into accepting my God. I believe that with time, as we are man and wife, I will be able to rub off on her and she could give her life to Christ. What really is the implication of being unequally yoked in marriage?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
If you want to view past questions and answers on the Infant Steps Series, please check the list on the sidebar right of the blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Infant Steps: When is one a Christian?
My Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
WORD FOR THE WEEK: Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money (including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions) and be satisfied with your present circumstances and with what you have; for He Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down (relax My hold on you)! Assuredly not! [Hebrews 13:5 AMP].
Thank you all for your responses to Kate's questions. You are the best. Just count it that you have helped someone remain steadfast in her walk with God.
This week's question in the Infant Steps Series takes us back to the basics of Christianity. I'm not disclosing :-) Please read Michael's question below and share your thoughts.
Thank you.
Dear Rita,
When does one become a Christian - when one prays the sinners prayer, or when one prays it and then actively takes steps to obey God and the Word of God? I will appreciate explanations to help me understand your answer.
Thank you. Michael.
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts. You can see previous questions in this series on the right pane of this blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
WORD FOR THE WEEK: Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money (including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions) and be satisfied with your present circumstances and with what you have; for He Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down (relax My hold on you)! Assuredly not! [Hebrews 13:5 AMP].
Thank you all for your responses to Kate's questions. You are the best. Just count it that you have helped someone remain steadfast in her walk with God.
This week's question in the Infant Steps Series takes us back to the basics of Christianity. I'm not disclosing :-) Please read Michael's question below and share your thoughts.
Thank you.
Dear Rita,

When does one become a Christian - when one prays the sinners prayer, or when one prays it and then actively takes steps to obey God and the Word of God? I will appreciate explanations to help me understand your answer.
Thank you. Michael.
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts. You can see previous questions in this series on the right pane of this blog.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Infant Steps: Who can I trust?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Hope your week has started out well. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is very sensitive. Some people I have tried to share the word with and lead to Christ say there is no point because those who claim to be Christians are doing worse than unbelievers. I cannot ascertain the veracity of such statement but I know that Christians are human and are not perfect. What would you do if you find out that someone who has been trying to lead you into sin is a “man” of God? Please read Kate’s question below and share with her some encouraging words.
Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am a student. There is this guy that has been chasing me for some time now. He has even tried forcing me to go to bed with him but I refused. One day when I was taking a walk in the night, I saw him at a “corner” with one lady. That place I saw him is known as a place where guys and girls meet to make out.
I have been having struggles with my Christian walk. On Wednesday last week I decided to go to a fellowship to rededicate myself to God and start afresh. To my amazement, the leader of the welfare department was that guy who has been chasing me! He was even among those asked to pray with the fellowship pastor for those who stepped out to rededicate their lives. I was shocked for a moment. Then afterwards I felt a great wash of disappointment. I was so overcome with emotions that I broke down crying. I wept for the whole day.
Now I feel like walking away from Christianity though I know without God, I will feel empty.
Have you experienced anything like this? What will you do in my situation? What should I do? Should I report him to the fellowship leader? How can I trust the other leaders of the fellowship?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Hope your week has started out well. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series is very sensitive. Some people I have tried to share the word with and lead to Christ say there is no point because those who claim to be Christians are doing worse than unbelievers. I cannot ascertain the veracity of such statement but I know that Christians are human and are not perfect. What would you do if you find out that someone who has been trying to lead you into sin is a “man” of God? Please read Kate’s question below and share with her some encouraging words.
Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am a student. There is this guy that has been chasing me for some time now. He has even tried forcing me to go to bed with him but I refused. One day when I was taking a walk in the night, I saw him at a “corner” with one lady. That place I saw him is known as a place where guys and girls meet to make out.

Now I feel like walking away from Christianity though I know without God, I will feel empty.
Have you experienced anything like this? What will you do in my situation? What should I do? Should I report him to the fellowship leader? How can I trust the other leaders of the fellowship?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Just Reflecting
I remember that night when he said, “my younger brother just came in from a long journey and we cannot get food now. Do you have a meal to share?”
We were in school. I cooked. Yes I had a meal that night but I did not feel like sharing. It was unplanned for. He was nothing to me. Not a boyfriend nor was he asking me out. He was not doing my assignments for me. Apparently, there was nothing I could get from him. But I remembered my mother’s words, “a small meal shared is more satisfying than a large meal eaten alone”. So I replied, “Yes, I have a meal to share. Tell him to come to my room.”
4 years later, I learnt that after that incident his brother told his parents, “There is one lady I want in this family. She is nice and she can cook. She will make a good wife for big brother.”
That meal I shared I guess was a response to destiny calling. Today, that guy I shared the meal with is my brother-in-law. So you know who “he” is?
I recalled this story after listening to a message that asked, “When Rebecca gave those camels water to drink, did she know that the next day she will be riding upon the camels?” [Genesis 24:19, 61].
This post is a call for 2 things:-
1. Your diligence in serving the Lord. I write specifically to someone who is
asking, “What is the point? After all my years of service, I am still in waiting.” For instance, you may have been an usher for years yet no guy has approached you. Your husband may not have approached you. But his sister that you treated nicely in church has been telling him of your good deeds. When he comes to you, he would have known enough about you. Your wait might seem like eternity, but your day is coming, the season is now.
2. An understanding of the God you serve. God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on)[1 Cor 1:9a], He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [Hebrews 11:6]. Abraham who understood the God he served said “The Lord, the God of heaven, Who took me from my father's house, from the land of my family and my birth, Who spoke to me and swore to me, saying, To your offspring I will give this land - He will send His Angel before you, and you will take a wife from there for my son,” [Genesis 24:7]. What can you say about the God you serve? Are there no testimonies in your life that speak of the goodness, faithfulness and grace of God?
A large, thirsty camel can drink as much as 200 liters a day. Think about that 20 liters jerrycan you use to buy fuel. 10 of it for 1 camel. Rebecca gave water to 10 camels. If I was her I might have been wondering, “God, why did I leave my father’s house this morning? Which kind of work is this? Who sent me? What will I gain? Even if this servant asks me out, I will surely say no…” Can you think of others?
This is a time to be diligent in your walk with God– delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart [Psalm 37:4].
For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for His glory [2 Cor. 1:20]. Do you want to tap into these sure blessings of the Lord? If you have not given your life to Christ, it is not too late to do so. Simply confess your sins to Him, declare that you believe He died and rose again for you, surrender yourself to Him and invite Him into your life as your God and savior. It is well with you.
Have a blessed weekend ahead. Do not miss next week’s question on the Infant Step Series. It is going to be hot and thought-provoking.
Heavenly Father, may your praise be continually in my lips. You are a loving and faithful Father.
We were in school. I cooked. Yes I had a meal that night but I did not feel like sharing. It was unplanned for. He was nothing to me. Not a boyfriend nor was he asking me out. He was not doing my assignments for me. Apparently, there was nothing I could get from him. But I remembered my mother’s words, “a small meal shared is more satisfying than a large meal eaten alone”. So I replied, “Yes, I have a meal to share. Tell him to come to my room.”
4 years later, I learnt that after that incident his brother told his parents, “There is one lady I want in this family. She is nice and she can cook. She will make a good wife for big brother.”
That meal I shared I guess was a response to destiny calling. Today, that guy I shared the meal with is my brother-in-law. So you know who “he” is?
I recalled this story after listening to a message that asked, “When Rebecca gave those camels water to drink, did she know that the next day she will be riding upon the camels?” [Genesis 24:19, 61].
This post is a call for 2 things:-
1. Your diligence in serving the Lord. I write specifically to someone who is

2. An understanding of the God you serve. God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on)[1 Cor 1:9a], He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [Hebrews 11:6]. Abraham who understood the God he served said “The Lord, the God of heaven, Who took me from my father's house, from the land of my family and my birth, Who spoke to me and swore to me, saying, To your offspring I will give this land - He will send His Angel before you, and you will take a wife from there for my son,” [Genesis 24:7]. What can you say about the God you serve? Are there no testimonies in your life that speak of the goodness, faithfulness and grace of God?
A large, thirsty camel can drink as much as 200 liters a day. Think about that 20 liters jerrycan you use to buy fuel. 10 of it for 1 camel. Rebecca gave water to 10 camels. If I was her I might have been wondering, “God, why did I leave my father’s house this morning? Which kind of work is this? Who sent me? What will I gain? Even if this servant asks me out, I will surely say no…” Can you think of others?
This is a time to be diligent in your walk with God– delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart [Psalm 37:4].
For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for His glory [2 Cor. 1:20]. Do you want to tap into these sure blessings of the Lord? If you have not given your life to Christ, it is not too late to do so. Simply confess your sins to Him, declare that you believe He died and rose again for you, surrender yourself to Him and invite Him into your life as your God and savior. It is well with you.
Have a blessed weekend ahead. Do not miss next week’s question on the Infant Step Series. It is going to be hot and thought-provoking.
Heavenly Father, may your praise be continually in my lips. You are a loving and faithful Father.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Infant Steps: How bad is Gossiping?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Hope your week has been great so far. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Thank you for your words of wisdom in response to Julia’s question. She is really encouraged, knowing she is not alone and knowing there is a way out.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series has to do with gossiping. I don’t know about you, but I have gossiped not knowing whether it is good or bad, and to what extent. Linda’s question caused me to pause and think – How bad is gossiping? To get better insight into what made me reflect, please read Linda’s question below and share with her some encouraging words.
Thank you.
Dear Rita,
Many years ago, when I was not a born-again Christian, I fell out with a roommate.
It was not a small falling out. She accused me of gossiping too much and she said she could not stay with me because I was making her fall into sin. In my mind, I wondered how giving someone gist is making them fall into sin. I packed my load and left and have not spoken to her since then.
After I gave my life to Christ recently, something in my spirit tells me that gossiping is not good. But I don’t know if this is true and if gossiping is harmful.
Was my friend right all along? What is gossiping really and how bad is it? My friend claimed that talking about other people (in a manner that does not speak good about them) is gossiping, but what else should friends and siblings be talking about? And is gossiping peculiar to only women i.e. do men gossip?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time. Be the first to leave an encouraging response and have your name on the EROLyrics Hall of Fame...
Hope your week has been great so far. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Thank you for your words of wisdom in response to Julia’s question. She is really encouraged, knowing she is not alone and knowing there is a way out.
Today’s question on the Infant Steps Series has to do with gossiping. I don’t know about you, but I have gossiped not knowing whether it is good or bad, and to what extent. Linda’s question caused me to pause and think – How bad is gossiping? To get better insight into what made me reflect, please read Linda’s question below and share with her some encouraging words.
Thank you.
Dear Rita,
Many years ago, when I was not a born-again Christian, I fell out with a roommate.

After I gave my life to Christ recently, something in my spirit tells me that gossiping is not good. But I don’t know if this is true and if gossiping is harmful.
Was my friend right all along? What is gossiping really and how bad is it? My friend claimed that talking about other people (in a manner that does not speak good about them) is gossiping, but what else should friends and siblings be talking about? And is gossiping peculiar to only women i.e. do men gossip?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time. Be the first to leave an encouraging response and have your name on the EROLyrics Hall of Fame...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Lesson from Egusi Soup
Every year six million children die from malnutrition before their fifth birthday...
More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day, 300 million are children.
Of these 300 million children, only eight percent are victims of famine or other emergency situations. More than 90 percent are suffering long-term malnourishment and micronutrient deficiency...

One weekend, I prepared fresh, delicious egusi soup (melon soup). I had 3-days old egusi soup in my fridge but I was not about to “contaminate” the fresh soup so I decided to pour the old one away. Just when I was about to throw it into the dustbin, a long buried scene surfaced in my memory.
It was Friday evening. There were little remains of the 6-day egusi soup, which I kept for myself and my mother who would be returning late from work that Friday. When she got home and asked for soup, I realized that the soup was too small for both of us to share. I poured water to increase the quantity. It became too watery. So I decided to add garri to the soup to give it weight. In my naivety, I did not know that the garri will coagulate in the hot soup. By the time I was to serve the soup, it was no longer soup. It was hard garri coloured with egusi and leaves. Garri-Egusi cake – in summary.
It was not edible. Mother and I went to bed hungry that night, looking forward to Saturday when we will have the next meal…

I stood by my cooker and wept. I looked at the soup I was about to throw away. If only mother and I had seen something like that then, we would not have gone to bed hungry. I wept as I realized how easily I forgot where I was coming from. I realized how wasteful I had become. I realized that there are indeed hungry people in our world. I realized that I (or any of my family) could have been part of the statistics if not for the love of God. Suddenly, my heart feels compassion for those in need.
Beloved, nothing is a waste, especially food. What you do not want, someone else will need.

Do take out time to find out whose life you can make a difference in with your food, money, clothes, or whatever you have, no matter how little. There are ministries, foundations, NGOs where you can sow into. As as you sow, may you reap a thousand fold and lack no good thing, in Jesus name, Amen.
Do not despise the days of your small beginnings [Zechariah 4:10]. And though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase [Job 8:7].
Have a blessed weekend ahead.
Please join me in celebrating 16 years in memorial…
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Infant Steps: How Do I Handle Peer Pressure?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Hope your week has started out beautifully. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Thank you for your responses to Hilda’s question. She is really encouraged.
Today, we have another question on the Infant Steps Series. It has to do with pressures from friends as a Christian. How did you manage to overcome peer pressures? How did you manage your relationship with people who knew you before you gave your life to Christ? Julia asks similar questions. Please read her question and advise her accordingly. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I saw the question on backsliding and I want to imagine that Hilda would have had a lot of peer pressures. It is not easy. Speaking for myself, I recently gave my life to Christ but I find it a daily struggle to keep my faith.
Since I gave my life to Christ, I have not felt any different. I still like the things I have always liked, think the things I always thought and react the way I have always reacted. My challenge is in the pressures from my close friends who knew me before I gave my life to Christ. They make me participate in the activities I am trying to let go of. They gang up against me if I do not give in to their requests. They also want to see me fall. When I make a mistake, they taunt me by saying “Is this how a Christian should behave?” These are people that I have grown to know and love.
How do I handle my relationship with them? How do I also handle the pressures from them? Do you know anyone that has successfully overcome this challenge?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Hope your week has started out beautifully. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Thank you for your responses to Hilda’s question. She is really encouraged.
Today, we have another question on the Infant Steps Series. It has to do with pressures from friends as a Christian. How did you manage to overcome peer pressures? How did you manage your relationship with people who knew you before you gave your life to Christ? Julia asks similar questions. Please read her question and advise her accordingly. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I saw the question on backsliding and I want to imagine that Hilda would have had a lot of peer pressures. It is not easy. Speaking for myself, I recently gave my life to Christ but I find it a daily struggle to keep my faith.

How do I handle my relationship with them? How do I also handle the pressures from them? Do you know anyone that has successfully overcome this challenge?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Friday, September 4, 2009
In This 2009, We Will...(5)

All the while, Maureen was praying for a child. It was okay when her elder ones resided in her house to give birth. But when even the younger ones, nieces that she carried as babies, and younger sisters to her friends started coming to her house, she really longed for the day she will rejoice like they did. The greatest thing about Maureen was that she made each mother that came to her house feel like they were in a 5-star home. She did not complain.
Several years later, she had her own child – in that same home that was the stopover for other women to give birth. Even if you have a heart a stone, if you see the sacrifices that Maureen made, won’t you give her the desire of her heart as long as it is in your power? How much more God?

In This 2009, We Will Sow Seeds
The Bible teaches us that every man will reap what he sows [Gal 6:7]. He that sows sparingly shall reap sparingly, and he that sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully [2 Cor 9:6].
Let’s look at different types of seeds
1. The Word of God: - this is a seed you sow into your spirit. It helps with your spiritual growth and builds your faith. This seed later manifests to become a physical reality [John 1:14, Luke 8:11, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 3:9].
2. Tangible Seeds: what a person can feel. Examples include financial support, gifts
3. Intangible Seeds: - what a person cannot feel or touch but can cause a difference. Examples include prayers, service, sacrifices, your time, preparations (like studying for an exam), display of love and affection, attitudes, etc.
Beloved, God appreciates seeds [Gen 8:21-22, Leviticus 19:19].
Let's look at some things in sowing
1. The seed – every seed sown has the possibility to produce fruit/harvest of itself [Genesis 1:11-12, Genesis 1:29, 1 Corinthians 15:38]. If you sow good seed, you will reap good harvest. If you sow bad seed, you will reap bad harvest.
2. The time the seed is sown – every seed has a time that is best for it to be planted. If planted at the wrong time, it will not be productive. When God touches you to sow a seed, do it when He has specified. You can have a million excuses why a later time will be better, but if not done at the right time, it will be a waste. [Gen 8:22, John 12:24].
3. The soil in which it is sown – It is not all seed you sow that will reap a harvest. The ground on which it is sown has to be good [Matthew 13: 4 – 8]. Are you sowing into a person or ministry God has asked you to? Or are you sowing into anywhere your heart desires? Do you feel someone is too rich or too blessed for you to sow into his life?
4. Your expectation of the seed: - When you sow a seed, do you believe that the seed will yield fruit? Do you feel you are sowing in vain? It is your duty to plant then expect every day the fruit of your seed sown knowing that it is the Almighty God who will give the increase [1 Cor 3:6]. If you believe in your seed, sow with diligence [Ecclesiastes 11:4,6, Isaiah 28:24-25].
5. The nurturing of the seed – Paul said “I have planted, Apollos watered…” [1 Cor 3:6a] You will have to nurture your seeds. This will come through prayer, thanksgiving, efforts and sacrifices you will make [Deut 11:10, 1 Cor 3:6, 1 Cor 15: 37-38]. You will also have to prune your growing seed with positive confessions and replacing fear with faith.
You want a car? Sow into the life of someone who is about to buy one. Your seed could be as small as a fire extinguisher for the car or a financial support.
If you want to start a ministry, sow into other people’s ministry.
If you are looking for a job, help your elder ones iron their work clothes.
If you want improved relationships, give more of yourself.
The list of what, how and where to sow is endless.
Three key things to take out of this message is
1. Sow what God has asked you to sow (it usually is a sacrifice)
2. Do it in obedience [1 Samuel 15:22]
3. Do it with a pure heart (fully devoted to loving God with every part of your life, devoid of strife, envy, unforgiveness) because He sees the heart that goes with the seed [Psalm 44:21].
Have a blessed weekend ahead. Remember that they that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall DOUBTLESS come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him [Psalm 126:5-6]. If you have been sowing, look forward to your harvest in this 2009.
In This 2009...
1. We Will Pray for Others
2. We Will Worship the Lord
3. We Will Know God for Ourselves
4. We Will Guard our hearts
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Infant Steps: How do I, a backslider, move on?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Welcome to this blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Today, we are back to another question on the Infant Steps Series. It has to do with backsliding. Please respond to Hilda’s question below. She needs all the encouragement she can get from you. Thank you.
Also, please take some time to respond to the questions on addictions that came in as comments in the previous post on this series. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I gave my life to Christ over 15 years ago when I was in class 1, secondary school. Then, every day I felt I was growing in the Lord because I spent considerable time
in prayer and studying God’s word. By the time I got to class 4 (12 years ago), I backslid. I don’t want to blame it on my maturing hormones. Anyway, I realize that after then, I have lived a life I am ashamed of and have done worse things than I can ever imagine. I completely removed God from my life.
I want to go back to God. My life then was much better. But I feel guilty, ashamed and afraid because someone once told me that God punishes backsliders. Please what do I do? Is God really as forgiving as was portrayed in your post on God’s view on forgiveness?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Greg, Anonymous and Madam, please see comments in the previous post on this series for responses to your questions.
Welcome to this blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Today, we are back to another question on the Infant Steps Series. It has to do with backsliding. Please respond to Hilda’s question below. She needs all the encouragement she can get from you. Thank you.
Also, please take some time to respond to the questions on addictions that came in as comments in the previous post on this series. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I gave my life to Christ over 15 years ago when I was in class 1, secondary school. Then, every day I felt I was growing in the Lord because I spent considerable time

I want to go back to God. My life then was much better. But I feel guilty, ashamed and afraid because someone once told me that God punishes backsliders. Please what do I do? Is God really as forgiving as was portrayed in your post on God’s view on forgiveness?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Greg, Anonymous and Madam, please see comments in the previous post on this series for responses to your questions.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fatigue Failure
I am sure you are looking for this week’s question on the Infant Step Series. I am sorry to disappoint you. It will be up next week. Today I have a message for someone in particular and I cannot help but share it. Also, Greg and Anonymous, I will still respond to your questions in the last post on the Infant Steps Series.
Have you heard of fatigue in materials? Those who know the science of materials and metals can easily relate to this. I will try to make it simple here.
Do you know what makes a bridge that has been carrying tons of vehicles suddenly collapse one day when a bicycle is on it? Or do you know what makes a structure that has withstood the storms collapse one evening under a cool breeze? It is failure due to FATIGUE.

Fatigue failure is the tendency of a material to break by means of a PROGRESSIVE cracking under REPEATED ALTERNATING or CYCLIC stresses of intensity considerably smaller than what should normally break it. Example, there is palm kernel that Hulk Hogan can break with one hit of the stone. For you, you may have to hit the nut many times before it breaks though without using as much strength as he would. The number of cycles required to cause the failure is quite large, but it decreases as the stress is increased. Still on the palm kernel example, though you may have to do it many times before it breaks, it will become easier if you put in a little more effort.
Why I am talking about fatigue today? I am speaking specifically to someone who is saying “God, I am tired. I cannot do this anymore!” You have been praying, studying, praising, confessing the Word of God, hoping, believing, having faith, and yet you do not see the results. I want to tell you not to give up. You are almost there. Sooner than you think, you and everyone will see that so-called mountain brought down to nothing. Your prayers, praises, confessions, seeds and faith have been working. You have been applying stress on that mountain and all you need is a little more perseverance in what you have been doing to see the “failure due to fatigue”.
I leave you with these words
Remember the key words in fatigue failure:
Progressive: - gradually increasing in severity. Keep increasing your time spent in the presence of God through prayer, worship, praise, study and meditation on the word of God.
Repeated: - occurring again and again. This is not the time to stop doing what you have been doing.
Alternating or Cyclic: - changing direction, occurring in cycles. It does not mean you should stop praying and then continue later :-). At regular intervals, take time to do something special with your prayer (like fasting), sowing new seeds, etc.
Are you going to hold on tight to see the "failure" due to the fatigue your prayers and perseverance is causing?
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In the Waiting Room
Have you heard of fatigue in materials? Those who know the science of materials and metals can easily relate to this. I will try to make it simple here.
Do you know what makes a bridge that has been carrying tons of vehicles suddenly collapse one day when a bicycle is on it? Or do you know what makes a structure that has withstood the storms collapse one evening under a cool breeze? It is failure due to FATIGUE.

Fatigue failure is the tendency of a material to break by means of a PROGRESSIVE cracking under REPEATED ALTERNATING or CYCLIC stresses of intensity considerably smaller than what should normally break it. Example, there is palm kernel that Hulk Hogan can break with one hit of the stone. For you, you may have to hit the nut many times before it breaks though without using as much strength as he would. The number of cycles required to cause the failure is quite large, but it decreases as the stress is increased. Still on the palm kernel example, though you may have to do it many times before it breaks, it will become easier if you put in a little more effort.
Why I am talking about fatigue today? I am speaking specifically to someone who is saying “God, I am tired. I cannot do this anymore!” You have been praying, studying, praising, confessing the Word of God, hoping, believing, having faith, and yet you do not see the results. I want to tell you not to give up. You are almost there. Sooner than you think, you and everyone will see that so-called mountain brought down to nothing. Your prayers, praises, confessions, seeds and faith have been working. You have been applying stress on that mountain and all you need is a little more perseverance in what you have been doing to see the “failure due to fatigue”.
I leave you with these words
“Do seize, hold fast and retain without wavering the hope you cherish and confess and your acknowledgement of it, for God Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word.” [Hebs 10:23 AMP].
Remember the key words in fatigue failure:
Progressive: - gradually increasing in severity. Keep increasing your time spent in the presence of God through prayer, worship, praise, study and meditation on the word of God.
Repeated: - occurring again and again. This is not the time to stop doing what you have been doing.
Alternating or Cyclic: - changing direction, occurring in cycles. It does not mean you should stop praying and then continue later :-). At regular intervals, take time to do something special with your prayer (like fasting), sowing new seeds, etc.
Are you going to hold on tight to see the "failure" due to the fatigue your prayers and perseverance is causing?
If you liked this, you may also like
In the Waiting Room
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Infant Steps: How do I overcome addiction?
Beloved EROLyrics Readers,
Welcome to this blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Today, we have another question on the Infant Steps Series. It has to do with addiction to smoking. When I received the question, I felt addiction is addiction, whether it is to smoking, drinking, fornication, or watching TV :-) just to name a few. Please as you respond to Greg’s question below, it will be most appreciated if your response could also help others facing any form of addiction. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am addicted to cigarettes for over 5 years. I have tried everything I can to stop
smoking but the longest I have stayed away from the cigarette is 1 day. New Year resolutions have been futile. The most frustrating part is that I have been a born-again Christian for about two years, yet I have not been able to stop. I hope to serve the Lord with all my heart and soul, but I do not think I am worthy of being called a Christian if I cannot stop smoking.
Is my situation hopeless? Do you know what I can do to overcome this addiction? Do you know of anyone that has overcome this challenge?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Welcome to this blessed week. Covenant grace and peace be to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who reigns forevermore. Today, we have another question on the Infant Steps Series. It has to do with addiction to smoking. When I received the question, I felt addiction is addiction, whether it is to smoking, drinking, fornication, or watching TV :-) just to name a few. Please as you respond to Greg’s question below, it will be most appreciated if your response could also help others facing any form of addiction. Thank you.
Dear Rita,
I am addicted to cigarettes for over 5 years. I have tried everything I can to stop

Is my situation hopeless? Do you know what I can do to overcome this addiction? Do you know of anyone that has overcome this challenge?
If you have any questions you would like to discuss on the Infant Steps Series, please drop me an email at or leave the question as a comment in any of my blog posts.
All posts on the Infant Steps Series will be posted on Tuesdays, 9 AM West Africa Time.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dear Father, I pray for the person reading this post. He/She may have seen Your face as Jehovah-Hope. He/She may be trusting you for something. I pray that You, Jehovah-Suddenly visits him/her. Suddenly, things will happen in favor of this person. Suddenly, You will give him/her reason to testify that his/her joy will be full. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Dear Father,
All my loved ones have unique names I give to them. You are no exception. I started this year calling You Jehovah-Hope (The God that gives hope). Yes You give hope. How else can I explain things like the woman ditched twice a day before her wedding still trusting in You for a husband, or the man who applies for jobs for the umpteenth time despite several rejections, or the lady with countless miscarriages still believing in you though the doctors say it is futile? And you came through for them. I personally have beheld Your miracles as “Jehovah-Hope”. I felt I was going to spend this year calling You Jehovah-Hope, not knowing You have a different facet You wanted to show me.
I just want to say Thank You. In a short space of time, you have sprung so many surprises at me. You have reassured me of Your love despite my doubts and negative confessions. You have opened doors I never knew existed. You have made me stand before kings. You have filled my heart and mouth with testimonies. A post is not enough to describe the contents of the table of blessings you prepared for me out of the blue.
Suddenly, You did a new thing. Now I have seen another part of You I was not used to – the fact that You can do a new thing: customized for me, something that never existed before, even in my mind. Now I call you Jehovah-Suddenly (The God that does a new thing suddenly). You are faithful to Your Word.
Once again I say, Dear Father, I pray for the person reading this post. He/She may have seen Your face as Jehovah-Hope. He/She may be trusting you for something. I pray that You, Jehovah-Suddenly visits him/her. Suddenly, things will happen in favor of this person. Suddenly, You will give him/her reason to testify that his/her joy will be full. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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