I am sure many of you have received blessings from parents and grandparents. You know they are powerful? Don't joke with them J. Let me share one of my experiences here.
When I got the first money of my scholarship in Uni, I bought Small Stout for Mama (grandmother). She blessed me saying, "You will be rich. You will marry a good husband. You will have plenty children. You will carry your grandchildren. You will be successful in all you do…" I also remember the day Mom said I should make soup for the house. I had a date. I abandoned the meal and went on my date. When I came back in the night, Mom was furious. She said, "You left me hungry and worried today. If you don't stop behaving like this, your children will treat you exactly like this…"
I remember vividly the night I thought was my last on earth. I woke up by 2 a.m. and my feet were frozen and numb. Inside my bones were biting me. Slowly I felt the cold and numbness creep up my limbs, and also move down from my skull. At a point the only part functioning was my lips and the heart. I felt once the numbness gets to my heart, it will be my end. There was no "NEPA" (light). Rain was falling heavily. There was no car to take me to hospital. No phones to call for help. After Mom prayed for hours and nothing changed, I gave her my so called last wish.
- Bury me in purple
- Do not make a ceremony out of it so you don't have to spend money
- Please call a man of God to pray for me - I want to give my life to Christ so I can go to heaven.
Suddenly I remembered Mama's blessing and Mom's "curse". I told myself "If they must come to pass, I cannot die even before graduating from Uni. They must come to pass." With that confidence, I could listen to the silent voice in my heart that said, "Drink water". I was afraid because I knew that before most people die, they ask for water. But since that was the only option left and morning was not approaching fast, I muttered, "Water". They quickly brought bottles of water for me. After 30 minutes of drinking, I felt the urge to urinate. They carried me to the toilet. I urinated. The whole house started smelling of Ampliclox. Then I recalled that 2 days before, I had taken self-medication of Ampiclox for boil. I asked for the pack of the Ampiclox. Guess what I saw? It had been expired over a year ago and I had taken overdose. I started drinking more water. By dawn, the numbness had left my body and I was normal.
Mama's blessing and Mom's "curse" are good. They were sufficient for the days when I was not a Christian. But now I know there is a far more superior blessing. It is The Blessing of the Lord, which makes rich and adds no sorrow with it [Proverbs 10:22].
There is The Blessing out there waiting for you to tap into. It covers every area of your life, even areas you never imagined. It is backed up by the power of God.
You can find some of God's great and precious promises specifically for you HERE. Should you find yourself in any trying situation, remember The Blessing. Remember His word and promises. Do not forget that they must come to pass.
For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and do not return there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the hungry,
So shall His promises be that goes forth out of His mouth: it shall not return to Him void without producing any effect, but it shall accomplish that which He pleases, and it shall prosper in the thing for which He sent it [Isaiah 55:10-11 AMP Paraphrased].
Have a blessed week ahead.
Pictures by Photobucket.