For the previous posts in the "In This 2009 We Will…" series, please visit "We Will Pray For Others" and "We Will Worship the Lord".
I understand the pressures most singles face, whether male or female. While the world concludes that it is either being too "bad", or being too busy or being too "good" that is delaying settling down, they do not see the heart-breaks, patience or wisdom taking place.
I share with you my experience to introduce the message for this post. I call the period of waiting for my King a dark period. Years had gone by and I was not dating anyone. No guys were even glancing my way. I felt hopeless.
Mother called me one morning. She dreamt one of her daughters got married. I was the next on the waiting list. She said that coincidentally, when she woke up, she received a call from a friend who had a brother that wanted to marry me. I brought out my checklist. He fitted ALL of my expectations (including some I did not include) except one – he was not a Christian.
Rita: Mummy, I do not think he is the one for me. He is not a Christian.
Mother: My daughter, what is all this Christianity about? When did you become a Christian sef? What if this is an opportunity to bring someone to God? (Please do not judge my mummy here, lol. She is the best mother ever. She was probably under pressure herself J).
Rita: Let me think [more like pray] about it. I will get back to you.
Two weeks later, my answer was "No". It was hard and painful to say no in a time when everything was bleak. I heard words like, "You will end up never marrying. Your time has passed. Your younger ones will leave you and get married. You will forever live miserably." But I had consulted Daddy in Heaven. He had given me the answer of peace. I had dreamt years back, and I wondered why mother's coincidence was contradicting my dream. But then the Lord said to me, "Write the vision plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." [Habakkuk 2: 2-3].
As I write this post, my eyes are filled with tears because I cannot believe I was able to trust Him despite the pressures. A post is not enough to talk about the blessing He brought to me under the designation "husband". He is indeed a Faithful Father.
In this 2009, We Will Know God for Ourselves.
So often we rely on our parents, pastors or friends for their "godly" counsel. While that is good, it is now time to let go of our dependence on others and know God for ourselves.
At every stage towards receiving physically your heart's desires, you will be faced with decisions. It might be as simple as "Should I leave my house this morning?", as biting as "Do I sow a seed in the life of this person?" or as sleep-haunting as "Should I spend the rest of my life with this person?" Every response to decisions will lead you towards or away from where you should be regarding receiving what He has in store for you. While some decisions may seem easy to make, most will (and should) require seeking God.
How will we know it is God speaking to us? His sheep hear His voice. You know more about a person by spending time with the person. You also know about a person by reading the person's writings. Same principle applies with God. For more about hearing the voice of God, please read "How Do I Hear His Voice?" and "Five Hindrances to Hearing From God".
Let it be said of us that we are noble, not only to receive the word of God with all readiness of mind, but also search the scriptures daily to know for ourselves [Acts 17:11].
Enjoy a blessed week ahead.