There are certain situations I have passed through where I found myself asking
questions like “God, why me?” and “God, why did you let this happen?” The most frustrating part was I did not need to look far to see someone who had what I desired, making me feel that God was being
unfair to me. Quite recently I have learnt to stop wallowing in self-pity after I had the
experience with shoes.

Then it dawned on me.
Many a times, we may find ourselves in a situation where we
lament and complain, and wish our situation was like someone else’s. Not knowing
that if, perhaps, we find ourselves in the true picture of what they are going
through, we may not be able to cope.
You may think your situation is the worst until you actually
know what the “other” person is going through. But really, you don’t need to
This post is just a call to gratitude. To say “Thank You” to
God, who in His grace, mercy, and sovereignty, has allowed you to be in the
shoes you are in. Maybe it could have been worse. Maybe you would have
struggled if you were in the shoes of that person whose shoes you wish to be
in. With God, no situation is hopeless. With Him, things can only get better.
Thanks be to God who will not give us more than we can bear,
who is always with us, and knows how to make every situation work together for
our good. He is faithful and more than able to turn around anyone’s “captivity”.
The when and how all depends on Him. That is why we need to trust and have
faith in Him.
Have a blessed and fruitful week ahead. It is well with you and yours.