As I pondered on the word remember in “God remembered us when we were down…” [Psalm 136:23 MSG], I wondered, “Does God forget”? No, God cannot forget. The word "remembered" in this scripture, and as used often times in the bible, originates from the Hebrew word "zakar" which means to mark (so as to be recognized). It means to be mindful, to bring to remembrance or to call to mind. Permit me to use the analogy in the aforementioned paragraph. By marking dates and appointments on my calendar, I become mindful of them, they are easily recognized as my priorities, and because of the reminders I can prepare accordingly.
The bible gives accounts of times when God "remembered". Just to mention a few, He remembered Noah [Gen. 8:1]. He remembered Sarah and did as He had promised [Gen. 21: 1]. He remembered Rachel [Gen. 30:22]. He remembered Hannah [1 Samuel 1:19]. He remembered His covenant [Psalm 105:8]. None of these cases imply that God had forgotten. He “remembered” them at the time when He was to fulfill His promise, and what He had "marked", He recalled.
God is not a man, that He should lie. Whatever He has promised you, He will fulfill. Maybe you are waiting on the promise of a new beginning, a restoration, a heart's desire or a breakthrough. Maybe God may have put a ministry in your heart, but you are experiencing doubts or opposition. God is faithful. Wait on Him. Those who trust in and wait on the Lord will find new strength. It is in the waiting that you will see God's promises fulfilled. You are not forgotten. He has marked the date for your appointment. Your Loving Father always remembers and He will fulfill His plans, purpose and promises in your life.
It is my prayer for all those waiting on God, who may be feeling discouraged that His words and promises have not come to pass when expected, that you feel an added sense of His peace and presence, that He remembers you soon, yet give you the strength to wait on Him, for He that promised is faithful.
On another note: Apologies for the unplanned hiatus on the blog. Some restructuring has been going on which should soon be finalized. The blog may also take a Christmas break :-) so here’s wishing you an enjoyable festive season. And don’t forget that the year is not yet over…God is still able to work 2010 miracles in these few days left. Remain blessed and agape love…Rita.