Have you heard of fatigue in materials? Those who know the science of materials and metals can easily relate to this. I will try to make it simple here.
Do you know what makes a bridge that has been carrying tons of vehicles suddenly collapse one day when a bicycle is on it? Or do you know what makes a structure that has withstood the storms collapse one evening under a cool breeze? It is failure due to FATIGUE.

Fatigue failure is the tendency of a material to break by means of a PROGRESSIVE cracking under REPEATED ALTERNATING or CYCLIC stresses of intensity considerably smaller than what should normally break it. Example, there is palm kernel that Hulk Hogan can break with one hit of the stone. For you, you may have to hit the nut many times before it breaks though without using as much strength as he would. The number of cycles required to cause the failure is quite large, but it decreases as the stress is increased. Still on the palm kernel example, though you may have to do it many times before it breaks, it will become easier if you put in a little more effort.
Why I am talking about fatigue today? I am speaking specifically to someone who is saying “God, I am tired. I cannot do this anymore!” You have been praying, studying, praising, confessing the Word of God, hoping, believing, having faith, and yet you do not see the results. I want to tell you not to give up. You are almost there. Sooner than you think, you and everyone will see that so-called mountain brought down to nothing. Your prayers, praises, confessions, seeds and faith have been working. You have been applying stress on that mountain and all you need is a little more perseverance in what you have been doing to see the “failure due to fatigue”.
I leave you with these words
“Do seize, hold fast and retain without wavering the hope you cherish and confess and your acknowledgement of it, for God Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word.” [Hebs 10:23 AMP].
Remember the key words in fatigue failure:
Progressive: - gradually increasing in severity. Keep increasing your time spent in the presence of God through prayer, worship, praise, study and meditation on the word of God.
Repeated: - occurring again and again. This is not the time to stop doing what you have been doing.
Alternating or Cyclic: - changing direction, occurring in cycles. It does not mean you should stop praying and then continue later :-). At regular intervals, take time to do something special with your prayer (like fasting), sowing new seeds, etc.
Are you going to hold on tight to see the "failure" due to the fatigue your prayers and perseverance is causing?
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